Cooking with Kids
Establishing good eating habits early in life and having a balanced diet is essential for children’s health and wellbeing.
Encouraging them to get involved in food preparation gives them greater ownership of their health and wellbeing, and a better understanding of the importance of healthy food choices. Studies have shown that vegetable preference was also 10 per cent higher among children who helped cook*. Good nutrition habits start early!
☀ Improves their confidence
Allowing children the opportunity to create something themselves and watch people enjoy it, gives them a sense of accomplishment and pride.
Thank them for their help, and provide positive feedback on the meals.
Even if the meal doesn't quite work out, this is a great opportunity to teach resilience.
☀ Kids are more likely to eat what they cook
Many kids can be fussy eaters and reluctant to try new foods. Exposing them to different foods by engaging with them through touch, sight, smell and taste, allows them to get comfortable with new ingredients.
☀ More family time
Cooking together is a great bonding activity for the family or one-on-one, as well as practicing teamwork and communication skills.
Adjust tasks so they are suitable for the kids' age for safety and skill level.